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John Frangos selected to receive the prestigious NIH MERIT Award

The National Institutes of Health MERIT Award is designed to provide long-term, stable support to investigators whose research competence, productivity, and scientific contributions are distinctly superior, and who are likely to continue to perform in an outstanding manner. John is now eligible for long-term research support, which is comprised of an initial five-year period and may extend to a total of ten years.

John Frangos Awarded National Institutes of Health Grant on Vascular Mechanotransduction

Grant Award from National Institutes of Health to John A Frangos. Shear Stress Activation of Endothelial Membrane Function $2,137,500


Atherosclerosis occurs at regions of the vasculature where blood flow is highly unsteady and oscillatory, suggesting that this blood flow pattern promotes the disease. This project will determine how this blood flow pattern induces the signals that lead to atherosclerosis. If successful, it will provide a basis for drug design for its treatment.

Leonardo Carvalho Awarded National Institutes of Health Grant for Malaria Research

Grant Award from National Institutes of Health to Leonardo Jose de Moura Carvalho. Nitric Oxide Restoration and Heme Detoxification as Adjunctive Therapies for Cerebral Malaria. Amount: $1,665,400.

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